group representation theory

美 [ɡruːp ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn ˈθiːəri]英 [ɡruːp ˌreprɪzenˈteɪʃn ˈθɪəri]
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group representation theorygroup representation theory
  1. An application of the group representation theory in direct product network


  2. A Study of Irreducible Tensor Basis Method in Group Representation Theory


  3. Application of group representation theory in h_2 / h_ ∞ control of symmetric systems


  4. In this paper , the irreducible tensor basis method in group representation theory is studied further .


  5. Physical method of group representation theory (ⅱ) the quasi-standard bases of permutation group and the Gelfand bases of unitary group


  6. Functional analysis , group representation theory is another major development in nuclear structure , elementary parti-cle theory and other branches of mathematics have wider application .


  7. By using group representation theory , th quasi-adiabatic approximation solution of the schrodinger equation of a quantum system with slowly-changing Hamiltonian are presented in this paper .


  8. The concept of the direct product network is proposed using the group representation theory and tensor transformation . It is found from theoretical inference that the mutual influence of signals within a system can be eliminated by the application of the direct product network .


  9. The paper applies group representation theory to discuss the symmetrized ba - sis vectors of the four kinds of point group-Cn , Cnh , Cnv , Dnh and to find the generalized displacements associated with them .


  10. Large Nc Limit Baryon Emergent Symmetry Research Based on Lie Group Induced Representation Theory


  11. Because the system has the Dn (?) Z2 symme-try , we could use Lie group to represent its symmetry and Lie group representation theory to explore the spatio-temporal pattern of the bifurcated periodic solutions from the trivial equilibrium .


  12. The work is devoted to eigenvalue problems associated with a class of variable coefficients selfadjoint operators & Kohn Laplace operator on Heisenberg group . One obtains some priori estimate for discrete eigenvalues of the problem by group representation and Fourier transformation theory on n dimensional Heisenberg group .
